Apr 27, 2022
MoU Signed with FNCCI, CNI, FCAN, FNCSI and HAN
Kathmandu, 27 April 2022
CTEVT signed the Memorandum of Understanding at an event on 27 April 2022 with the five employer associations (FNCCI, CNI, FCAN, FNCSI and HAN).
This event was organized to enhance the education employer engagement between CTEVT (supply-side) and five employer associations (demand side). The MoU emphasized a sustainable role and model for demand-driven and employer-led labour market activities. During the event President of FNCCI, Mr. Shekhar Golcha emphasised that developing occupation standards was conducted through rigorous feedback from more than 1000 employers from all over Nepal, and represents an icebreaking paradigm shift for TVET reform in Nepal.
Speaking at the function member Secretary of CTEVT, Mr Jeeb Narayan Kafle, stated that 30 Occupational Standards are important for CTEVT and NSTB, and expressed a commitment to use these standards in the future to lead the demand-driven TVET.
All the key speakers from the private sector and CTEVT underscored that the MoU is historic in fostering collaboration in the development of demand-driven, relevant and quality TVET and the need for this progress to be sustained through the continuous involvement of the employer.
Private Sectors are enthusiastic about working with CTEVT towards the long term development of TVET and effective Labour Market Information Systems.