May 21, 2021
Dr. Wagle wraps up his tenure as Member Secretary
21 May, 2021
CTEVT organized a farewell programme for outgoing Member secretary, Dr. Pushpa Raman Wagle on the premises of CTEVT office on Friday, 21 May with his four-year term coming to an end. Appointed by the Cabinet decision of the Government of Nepal on 23 May, 2017, Member Secretary Wagle completed his four-year term with ace rating by placing CTEVT on a strong footing.
Offering his farewell speech, Dr. Wagle thanked all staff of CTEVT, members of CTEVT Council, government officials, private sectors and other stakeholders for their coordination and full support towards driving CTEVT to achieve its results. “I am more than happy to disclose that the number of institutions nearly doubled from 650 to 1100 TVET schools and so did the student enrollment during my tenure,” he exclaimed. Dr Wagle also expressed satisfaction over notable improvement in public-private sector investment in the TVET sector.
Enrollment in pre-diploma and diploma level increased from 45,517 to 83,288 youths for skilling, up skilling and reskilling programmes. “TVET Act is going to be a crucial document for all of us to populate CTEVT and deliver quality programmes to generate skilled human resources that match the job market,” he emphasized.
Mr. Khagendra Prasad Adhikari, Vice Chairperson of CTEVT thanked Dr. Wagle for his outstanding leadership and fostering a competitive work culture. “I thoroughly enjoyed working with Dr. Wagle and I shall remember his contribution for many years to come,” he emphasized and added, “Saying goodbye to Dr. Wagle, is the hardest thing for all of us who have benefitted so much from his inspiring leadership, strategic visioning and guidance he radiated every day at CTEVT premises. More importantly, CTEVT has grown with you. There is every reason to be proud of your leadership role where you steered CTEVT's planning so successfully, coaching thousands of graduates to start-up skills-business or find decent jobs in the local and international market.”
Mr. Adhikari said CTEVT was now a household name for TVET policy discourse and debate in the region and requested Dr. Wagle to provide valuable feedback, cooperation and support in the future to navigate CTEVT to achieve its goal and targets.
On behalf of the staff, Mr. Jeeb Narayan Kafle, Administration Director, thanked Dr. Wagle for a very successful tenure and wished him a happy and productive retired life. “You are now retired but we’re never tired of seeking your expert advice for the advancement of TVET system in Nepal,” he said.